Real Estate Market Conditions

Real Estate Market Conditions for Mapleton Utah
Below is a chart that represents all the homes that have sold in Mapleton Utah with realtors involved. The chart represents the real estate market conditions for Mapleton Utah. This chart spans from 2014 to the end of 2018. However, this chart does not take into account homes sold as for sale by owner. The average listed price of a sold home in Mapleton Utah is as follows:
Mapleton Utah saw a huge increase in price from 2017 to 2018. In fact, Mapleton homes had an average increase of $85,021 per home. However, this does no mean each individual home went up this much in value. It simply means the average sold price of a home in Mapleton Utah sold for $85,021 more in 2018 than 2017. In other words the primary drive for this increase is due to new construction.
The city of Mapleton has had a tremendous growth in population and housing. Mapleton currently has 9,773. Population of Mapleton is rapidly growing. New builders have come into Mapleton and have been buying land from farmers and land owners. Sellers holding the land tend to want higher and higher prices. Above all this is raising the prices for the builders. Additionally, the price increase is passed along to the Mapleton Utah home buyer. This is one of the factors that is causing the average price per home sold in Mapleton to increase.

The Number of Homes Sold Mapleton Utah is Increasing
The number of homes sold in Mapleton Utah has been steadily increasing. The chart above shows 128 homes sold in 2018. However, this does not have the 4th quarter numbers available so I estimate this number will be more likely around 175 homes sold in 2018. Many home owners in Mapleton are feeling a little frustrated by the growth. In addition, roads and schools are getting more crowded than they used to be. This once more rural feeling of a city is drastically changing to meet the demands of the population growth.
What is Your Home Worth?
Paul Teasdale of Team Teasdale Realty has been selling homes for 25 years in Mapleton Utah. Paul is very familiar with the Mapleton Utah real estate market conditions. Above all, Paul lives in Mapleton with his family and has sold over 105 homes in Mapleton Utah. Therefore, hire a trusted name that is highly recommend. Tell us about your Mapleton Utah home and Paul will give a free evaluation.